There are a number of ways that you can reduce your costs and raise your revenues and generally improve your bottom line. It generally involves looking at your operations and asking the right questions. At SVN Rock, and through our sister company DALA, we’ve helped...
We at SVN Rock have helped many clients audit their buildings, finding inefficiencies that were holding back their bottom line. We can help you find money that’s literally blowing out the door. Here are some ideas below: How do I Save Electricity? Make changes to your...
Most existing financing is likely to be a negative when selling your building. Most likely the mortgage is going to be less than what the buyer requires. SVN Rock can assist you in blending and extending your existing mortgage rate to reduce the overall interest rate...
ALWAYS LOOKING FOR GOOD PEOPLEWork on real deals with a great team.Specialise in apartments and student housing, not cold calls. Contact Us Only you can decide why you should list with ROCK. You have to do your homework and decide for yourself which broker is best...
ALWAYS LOOKING FOR GOOD PEOPLEWork on real deals with a great team.Specialise in apartments and student housing, not cold calls. Contact Us A broker can get paid in a number of different ways. These include contingent commissions (typically a percentage of the sale),...
ALWAYS LOOKING FOR GOOD PEOPLEWork on real deals with a great team.Specialise in apartments and student housing, not cold calls. Contact Us There is never a perfect time to sell an apartment building. It is a very personal decision that must be carefully weighed by...