Affordable Housing: The Path Forward for Developers

The Path Forward for Developers Affordable Housing has been a hot topic for years, however, no appreciable headway has been seen in developing a long-term solution for Canada.  It has been years since the demise of the last successful government program that fed...

The Affordable Housing Crisis: Supply

The Path Forward for Developers Affordable Housing has been a hot topic for years, however, no appreciable headway has been seen in developing a long-term solution for Canada.  It has been years since the demise of the last successful government program that fed...
Condo Developers Should Become Merchant Apartment Builders

Condo Developers Should Become Merchant Apartment Builders

Times have been good in the purpose-built rental apartment industry. Our industry has outperformed every other sector in the real estate industry in the past six years.  Demand for new apartments is high, and demographic change taking place now is increasing that...

Housing Market Steadies; Impact for Apartment Developers?

HOUSING MARKET STEADIES; IMPACT FOR APARTMENT DEVELOPERS? Toronto and Vancouver offer soft landing on house prices, opportunities for rental stock. For the past three years, there have been concerns about a possible housing bubble and affordability crisis within two...