Do You Know Your Options With Land?

In today’s economic conditions, knowing whether to sell, buy, or hold is highly volatile. It is important to get the proper analysis in order to make the correct decision. If you have any questions about what you should be doing with your land right now, contact us and we will help you become a better land buyer with our Land Opportunity Filter.


7 States of the Developer’s Mindset:

  1. Pause
  2. Build for the long-term
  3. Believe in the apartment “story”
  4. Build for fees
  5. Build smaller and slower
  6. Use this time to build a better company
  7. Prepare for a boom in affordable housing

The Big Question

Are you building to keep, or are you building to sell?


Opportunity Analysis

  • Which communities do you feel comfortable building in?
  • Rank communities on key indicators:
    • Populations growth
    • Income
    • Existing rental universe
    • Average rents
    • Prevelence of key renter groups

To learn more about the Land Opportuntiy Filter , and all other steps of the Apartment Development Process, gain access to our Apartment Development Master Class Recordings today!